Monday, September 7, 2009

Celebrate with a Day of Rest

"Labor Day is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. Because of its history, it is approriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership -- the American worker." Source: US Department of Labor.

Thank you to all those who have been such an important contribution to our nation being the greatest nation. Even in times of economic troubles, unemployment, and living in one of the most difficult times in the history of our nation, we can all still be proud to be an American! Let's celebrate this day with taking time to rest, being involved with our families, celebrating with festive parades, and having hope for the future, despite our circumstances. PTL


Tammy said...

this past weekend dan and i decided to commit to spending more time with the kids so we went for walks,swimming and even went out for ice-cream. i'm finding my relationship with my children is getting stronger and amber is coming to me if she needs to talk "girl" talk and it's not even too uncomfortable-because we have a relationship!!! keep up the great writing marilyn-looking forward to reading today;'s blog
your gift for writing is evident in your blogs-keep it up!

Freedomtrain Ministries said...

Thanks Tammy for the encouragement. I am glad you are spending more time bulding relationship. It does take intention but in the long run, they won't remember much of anything other than how much you loved and cared for them.