Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh My Aching Back.........

Pressure, pain, stiffness, oh my goodness my back hurts. Most everyone I talk to has experienced similar feelings. I've been writing alot lately, not moving as often as usual, and my back still stiffens. When I work out at the gym, my back can hurt. I know it doesn't have anything to do with age (lol).

Pain hurts. Whether it be emotional, physical, spiritual pain - it hurts. Sometimes I don't know what the root of my pain is but I do know that Jesus is my healer no matter what. No matter if I am sitting, exercising, running, or resting - God will show me where my pain comes from....if I ask. Whatever you are experiencing today, Jesus wants to heal. He wants you to have abundant life in everything! My friend, keep movin' forward.

1 comment:

Robin Bailey said...

Amen! That is good. I ache my brain sometimes trying to find the root of a pain, but you are right on that Jesus alone is the healer and regardless of the root, he can heal and reveal! Thanks for the post. I needed this word today!